Saturday, 29 August 2015

Back To School Advice- Ways To Make The First Day Less Stressful.

Heyy Guys! I'm sorry I havent been on in a while I have had so much on and I havent really been in the blogging mood.

But...... Im here now and we should all be happy ;)
I know that most people go back to school this week and for Chloe and I, our first day is Wednesday 2nd September. As it's bank holiday Monday I know that none of you will be going back until at least Tuesday. Because of this I am doing a mini back to school series on the blog and this is the first instalment, there will be at least 3 posts but possibly more.

This post is going to be me  sharing my tips on how to prepare for going back to school as I know it can be so stressful trying to get everything done! Hopefully you will find these tips helpful and if you have any requests for posts or any questions then please comment them below!


1) Sort out your sleeping pattern. 
Its really easy to think that you will be able to roll out of bed on the first day looking like beyonce with amazing skin, nice hair and not be tired, well if your anything like me then probably going to have hair like a troll, blemishes,and feel like you have just ran a marathon.If you have spent the last 6-8 weeks going to bed at 2am and waking up at 2 pm then it will be a nightmare to wake up on the first day. A really simple way to prevent this from happening is to simply go to bed a little earlier and wake up earlier in the mornings, you dont have to do this in one night do it slowly,
Night 1- go to sleep 1 hour earlier than you would normally during the holidays and wake up between 8 and 10am (put an alarm on)
Night 2-  Go to sleep 2 hours earlier than you would normally go to bed and wake up at 8am.
Night 3- Make sure youre asleep for your usual school bedtime and wake up when you normally would on school day
If you still have more time off before you go back then repeat the third step and you should be used to the early mornings before you know it!

2) Pack your school bag a few days in advance.
It might seem like this will only take a few minutes to do in the morning and fair enough it might not take you too long but at least make a list of the things you will need and get them ready because there is nothing worse than not being able to find something you need 10 minutes before you need to leave and the whole point of the blogpost is to help you de stress :) If you want tips on what to pack for the first day and some 'school bag essentials' I will be posting that tomorrow!


1) Wake up early.
As tempted as you will be to have one last sleep in, getting up early will ensure that you will sleep better on the night time.

2) Do some form of excersise.
This may be apart of your daily routine and if it is then carry on as usual. If,like me, excerise isn't your thing then just do something that will tire you out. I do sit ups most days because I enjoy them and it helps to tone the stomach muscles, but another really good excerise to do is walking/power walking. I like to take my dog for a walk through the woods and up into the hills, I don't go to far up into the hills because it takes too long but their is a path I take which is lovely to walk in and the scenery makes it very pleasant. Keeping up with the dog and throwing the ball gets the heart rate going and it doesn't get you really out of breath but because of the incline it tires you out. I walk for about an hour which includes half a mile up the hill and half a mile back down and then a mile and a half though the woods and back to the car so it's gentle but tiring. Doing excerise will tire you out and  allow you to sleep better so you won't be as tired. If you don't have a dog you can do some excerise in your garden; kick a football around, do some yoga whatever your happy with doing.

3) Plan and iron your outfit/ uniform and make your packed lunch(if you have one )
Again, preparing this the night before will save time in the morning.

4) have a pamper night.
Relaxing is key- if you want some pamper tips I'll have that post up on Monday night.

I'm gunna post my school morning tips seperately.

If you enjoyed this post please follow Us to get updates on when we post!

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