Helloo Guys,
So I turned 16 on Monday and suddenly I've became aware of myself and the way I choose to live. I have realised that despite the many many diets I have tried in my life I have never thought about people who eat differently to me for reasons other than weight loss. I was brought up as a meat eater and I'm not going to lie, I love meat.(ooh cheeky) Today I was reading a blog about becoming a vegetarian and all about the health benefits of cutting meat out of your diet and it has really appealed to me. I have always wanted to become a vegetarian because I hate the thought of the animals getting slaughtered just so I can eat my Sunday roast but then again I don't see the impact I could have on the entire animal kingdom when millions of people still eat meat therefore I never did become one.
Today I have decided to try out vegetarianism but with some slight leeway to ease me in. I have been researching Vegetarianism and I came across the term 'flexitarian' which is when a person wishes to lead a vegetarian lifestyle but will occasionally eat meat/fish in certain situations now I know this may seem very hypocritical to say "oh I'm a vegetarian but I will eat meat sometimes" but no one in my family are vegetarians and I sometimes go to my sisters house for my tea and she won't exactly be pleased to have to cook seperately to suit my needs so in that scenario I will eat meat. For the rest of the time though I will only eat meat free dishes. I have had my first day meat free and it has been pretty good to be honest. Tomorrow I am cooking for me, mam, dad, sister and sister's fiance. I will be cooking chili con carne using minced beef for them and making a separate one for me using quorn mince which I am excited about. Please guys no lectures on how I am not a proper vegetarian etc, I know I am not but I will be eventually haha. I am only trying it out so bear with me LOL.
If anyone has any tips on how to switch from eating meat to not eating meat leave them below they are much appreciated!
Love you! Aimee xx
Friday, 31 July 2015
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Hey Guys, Aimee here.
So as you will know from Instragram, on Monday it was our year 11 leavers prom. I didn't go to the actual prom because A; I didnt get my ticket money in on time, and B, I really hate things like that, my year group is the worst, half of them are stuck up and judgemental and the rest of us are just normal(ish). Now for me, the idea of spending anymore time with the same people who I have hated for the last 5 years seems ridiculous. The only reason I did want to go though was to spend time with my friends because in september some of us are going our seperate ways and some are staying as a group so last night was our chance to spend some quality time together.
Its okay though because our friend, Emma held an afterparty after prom which I did go to. Now that was my ideal way of spending time with my friends; just us,alcohol and laughter. None of us have to worry about being judged by the rest and we are all comfortable around each other. Now I would be lying if I said I was completely sober by the end of the night( well actually morning because the party didnt start until about 12:45 and we didn't lay down to go to sleep until 5:30am ) As with all of our social gatherings there was a lot of laughter and sexual innuendos and I had such an amazing night. I did have a reasonale amount of alcohol but I wasn't really drunk, just tipsy. Our other friend, Hannah, however was completely drunk and spent 2 hours talking about how much she loved a certain dead celebrity. We finally settled down at half five and we put an alarm on for 6:30 because we didnt want to have too much sleep as some of us had to be home early and didnt want to sleep in, however I couldn't sleep and neither could Chloe or our friend Mary so we went and sat in the living room (we were sleeping in the dining room) and we chatted and had a goof around. Anyway I got home around 9am and slept until 12:30 and I woke up with the mother of all headaches, it wasnt really a hangpver more like over tiredness mixed with alcohol HAHA!
On Friday (the 17th) it was Emma's 16th birthday and again we found ourselves in a circle in her dinding room and we were having a laigh and playing drinking games and truth or dare. Unfortunately, I had to be home by 11pm and everyone else was staying over which I was really annoyed about but hey ho.. I have had two amazing nights spending time with friends and making memories and I am so grateful to have an amazing group of assholes as close friends.
So yeah sorry if this blogpost was really jumpy in content but I am rushing like mad to get this posted. I shall be posting some sort of morning routine or a get ready with me type post this week hopefully and there will be a few hauls coming up too.
If you have had a good week comment what you have done!
So as you will know from Instragram, on Monday it was our year 11 leavers prom. I didn't go to the actual prom because A; I didnt get my ticket money in on time, and B, I really hate things like that, my year group is the worst, half of them are stuck up and judgemental and the rest of us are just normal(ish). Now for me, the idea of spending anymore time with the same people who I have hated for the last 5 years seems ridiculous. The only reason I did want to go though was to spend time with my friends because in september some of us are going our seperate ways and some are staying as a group so last night was our chance to spend some quality time together.
Its okay though because our friend, Emma held an afterparty after prom which I did go to. Now that was my ideal way of spending time with my friends; just us,alcohol and laughter. None of us have to worry about being judged by the rest and we are all comfortable around each other. Now I would be lying if I said I was completely sober by the end of the night( well actually morning because the party didnt start until about 12:45 and we didn't lay down to go to sleep until 5:30am ) As with all of our social gatherings there was a lot of laughter and sexual innuendos and I had such an amazing night. I did have a reasonale amount of alcohol but I wasn't really drunk, just tipsy. Our other friend, Hannah, however was completely drunk and spent 2 hours talking about how much she loved a certain dead celebrity. We finally settled down at half five and we put an alarm on for 6:30 because we didnt want to have too much sleep as some of us had to be home early and didnt want to sleep in, however I couldn't sleep and neither could Chloe or our friend Mary so we went and sat in the living room (we were sleeping in the dining room) and we chatted and had a goof around. Anyway I got home around 9am and slept until 12:30 and I woke up with the mother of all headaches, it wasnt really a hangpver more like over tiredness mixed with alcohol HAHA!
On Friday (the 17th) it was Emma's 16th birthday and again we found ourselves in a circle in her dinding room and we were having a laigh and playing drinking games and truth or dare. Unfortunately, I had to be home by 11pm and everyone else was staying over which I was really annoyed about but hey ho.. I have had two amazing nights spending time with friends and making memories and I am so grateful to have an amazing group of assholes as close friends.
So yeah sorry if this blogpost was really jumpy in content but I am rushing like mad to get this posted. I shall be posting some sort of morning routine or a get ready with me type post this week hopefully and there will be a few hauls coming up too.
If you have had a good week comment what you have done!
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
Random June Favourites & Quick recipe | Chatty Blog Post
Good Afternoon you beautiful bunch! Aimee here.
In England right now it is Boiling HOT!
So todays post is going to be a random favourites. The reason it is random is because I have such a wide range of things I want to talk about..
My next fave of the month is food related. As you may know I am trying(trying being the correct word) to lose weight, which to be honest I am having mixed results with, I am trying but then I am not being too strict with myself, I have dropped a dress size which is good but I have only lost 6.5lbs up to now. The past week or so I have been having the same thing for lunch every single day because I LOVE IT.
How I make my Lunch
You will need; Tuna(in brine rather than sunflower oil), sweet corn, extra light mayo, salt,pepper, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, a quarter of a red or yellow bell pepper and a whole grain bagel.
Firstly, mix the tuna, sweetcorn, mayo, salt,and pepper in a bowl, cut the bagel in half and put the tuna filling in(avoiding the hole, duh) put the top of the bagel on and place in a sandwich maker, I actually use a george foreman grill to make my toasties and bagels because that's just what we have haha. leave it for about 6-7 minutes and you're done, take it out and serve with the cucumber,bell peppers and tomatoes.
I love having this for my lunch because it is filling and nutritious. It has protein,carbs and vegetables in which makes it a nearly balanced meal. I love tuna and I love bagels so this recipe is my ultimate food porn.
My next fave has been a specific search on youtube. That search has been: " sixth form haul/tips" which I know is like super super super cringe but anyone who knows me knows that I hate not knowing about things that are coming up, so I LOVE to plan everything down to as much detail as possible. Up until my induction day on the 26th of June(Chloe is in the middle of writing about that for you guys) I had absolutely no idea what sixth form was going to be like so I watched as many videos as youtube had to offer about the stationary I will need, the things I should/shouldn't do as well as just general info about sixth form life, I would like to think I am now pretty clued up about sixth form, but these videos are becoming my secret obsession, I am now really looking forward to starting sixth form now that it isn't so scary HAHAHA.
My fave song of June was by James Bay and that was "let it go". Now when I told my mam to listen to this song she told me that she wasn't listening to any more FROZEN! After cracking up at her for about 15 minutes I explained that it was not a frozen song she listened to it and she now loves it. It is such a lovely song and I love James Bay. Another fave song of mine from this month was Little Mix; Black Magic, I'm not the biggest fan of their music but its such an upbeat and catchy song.
My fave band of the month has been 5 Seconds of Summer. As you may know, Chloe and I along with our friend Jayne, went to see 5sos at newcastle on the 2nd June. If you have read my blogpost about the concert you will know how much I loved that night so much!
Thats everything for now guys I am sorry this was a bit rambly and also late up but I have had so much stuff going on. I shall be posting a day in the life routine on Friday where a talk all about what I do in the day- look out for that won't you!
See you later,
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