So my instagram post earlier kind of explained why I had taken a few weeks away from the blog but just in case you don't know I shall explain a few things that I have been up to.
On the 2nd of September I started College. Its been alright I guess except for the fact that my subjects aren't exam based subjects so I wont get to use most of the stationary I bought before we started which sucks, but on the bright side NO EXAMS! I dropped English lit and replaced it with double health and social which means that by the end of year 13 I will have 2 A-levels from 1 subject. I find exams to be so stressful and I tend to fall apart in them. With exams, once they are over there is no turning back but with coursework its easier to correct mistakes and that is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.
College is alot more laid back than secondary school except when it comes to free periods. In most colleges if you don't have a lesson you don't have to be there, In our college though, you have to be there for 8:30am and stay until 3pm which sucks considering I have 10 hours free per week which is 10 hours when I could be in bed. In the upcoming months though this isn't too bad because I have to do 365 hours of placement which I do on a Friday all day( I have 2 free lessons and the other three lessons of the day are lessons which I am at placement for so I am excused from them, I also am on placement from 11pm on Wednesdays which means I miss the last three lessons of the day which for me is free periods. Which leaves 5 free lessons in the week, one of which is tutorial time where we do activities such as preparing for Uni and writing up CV's. The four free lessons of which I am at school are all in one day, we have 5 lessons in the day and 4 of them are free. Luckily, lessons 1 and 2 I am with everyone in my friendship group(i think) and during lessons 4 and 5 I am with Chloe and our other friend, Chloe. Because there is only three of us during the last two lessons and no other people at all where we sit it is relaxing but also boring because by that point in the day we just want to go home and tend to be rather pissed of because we want to go home. Its okay though because I have found love since starting college. I have discovered the 'hot chocolate twist' (okay so I said I had found love I didn't say it was with a human) basically its hot chocolate with cream,a broken up flake bar and m&ms and marshmallows if they have them.. its so nice and the day I bought one it was pissing down with rain and I had gotten soaked walking from the car park to the entrance, it was just what I needed.
At the moment, the coursework isn't challenging for me because in Health and Social we are doing Communication which we covered last year so we are just recapping what we learnt last year and then learning a few other bits. Also in Childcare we are studying 'Child development from conception to one year old' so its lots of research but not too challenging yet. However, because we don't have exams for that subject, it means that there is ALOT of coursework and we have to work to really tight deadlines to get it all done which is stressful.
Overall, I am enjoying my time so far and I'm sure Chloe will be uploading week 3 of her College series soon :)
Tomorrow I will be posting my 'after college' routine to let you guys in on what a college girl gets up to after a long day at College.
Speak soon,